Política de envío
Time to receive your order once placed is within 3-12 Business Days. From the time your order is placed, it will normally take 2-4 business days to process your order, regardless of the shipping option selected at checkout.
Once your order is placed, it CANNOT be modified or cancelled even if your order has not shipped yet. Please review your cart and/or contact us at support@altfragrances.com with any questions before finalizing your order to avoid any issues, indecision, or confusion. Thank you.
We try our best to get your order out within 24 business hours after it is placed.
We ship Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and holidays. Please allow up to a maximum of 3 business days for orders to process.
We make no guarantee for the amount of time it takes your package to reach you and only provide estimates at checkout.
Ownership of packages is turned over to the courier, and t to the buyer. We are not responsible for lost, held, or damaged packages. We are not responsible for m errors via carrier, or incorrect shipping info. Shipping is a service you purchase from USPS along with your order from us, so any shipping issues must be handled by USPS.
Please make sure your address is correct before placing an order we will not be responsible for incorrect addresses. Packages are NOT insured, if you would like to purchase insurance for your package please select USPS Priority or Express shipping service. Once again we are not responsible for the package once it transfers to USPS, it is then their responsibility to deliver and handle concerns for shipping delays or lost packages
We are responsible for your new purchase until it reaches the Post Office. After that, it is out of our control and we recommend that you select USPS Priority or Express shipping service.
Navidium Shipping Protection is to protect against loss or damage during shipping. If you choose to buy Navidium Shipping Shipment protection and your purchase is lost or damaged by the courier, we cannot provide a refund only a full replacement of what was protected by insurance.
If Navidium Shipping Protection is not purchased at checkout ALT FRAGRANCES and/or fulfillment partners are not liable for any loss or damages made in transit.